Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day 9 - Heavy Heart

Psalm 22:14 I am poured out like water, And all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; It has melted within Me.

Tough day - my heart is spent and my soul weary.

We started the day at the Western Wall and the Temple Mount. Jews from all over the world who have congregated at a place where their temple - use to be.  Their place of Holy of Holy's is unknown and their Rabi discourages Jews to visit the actual Temple Mount.  This place is probably the most dangerous place in all the world.  It is he source of all 3 of the worlds main religions, with the Muslims having the only building at this sacred spot.  If anything happened in this spot, or to that building, WW III would likely break out. The gold domed building in the pictures is the Muslim shrine.  The Jews pray for their own temple in their daily prayers. We had to scurry off the Temple Mount by 10:30 since we "infidels" are not welcome. 

This led us to Via Dolorosa which was a surprise in different ways. Although the thought of our Lord making that journey to the cross is very sad and tearful,  the physical landmarks have been commercialized and are very crowded.  The take-away for me is my walk is to be my walk - my personal prayerful walk, free of distractions but mindful of those around me - and only I am responsible for my own walk. As you read the below, note how each station reflects a ministry, message, or mission for us all.  I tried to take pictures with every station. Our group joined in a prayerful message at each station.  The finish took us through the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. 

The stations are:
1) Jesus is condemned to death
2) Jesus takes up the cross.
3) Jesus falls under the cross for the first time.
4) Jesus meets His mother.
5) Simon the Cyrenian is forced to carry the cross.
6) Veronica wipes the sweat from Jesus's face.
7) Jesus falls for the second time.
8) Jesus consoles the women of Jeruslem.
9) Jesus falls for the third time.
10) Jesus is stripped of His garments.
11) Jesus is nailed to the cross
12) Jesus dies on the Cross.
13) Jesus  is taken down from the cross,
14) Jesus is laid in the tomb.
Jesus rises from the tomb.

After a short visit through the Arab market we ventured to Hebron. Sadness accompanied us to this site also. This is the place of the tombs for Abraham, Rebecca, Jacob and Leah. Tradition has it that this is also the place of Joseph's tomb. The sadness is that this volatile community of Hebron prevents tourists from visiting this sacred site.  You will not find Hebron on many of the tour maps.  This is very sad to me. Even as we were leaving a small boy tried to throw rocks at us. An Israeli soldier stopped him.

Our final stop of the day was the most sobering and heart wrenching - the Holocaust Museum and in particular the children's museum. 6 million Jews were killed during those tragic years with 1.6 million of them children. No pictures were allowed and my words would do a disservice to describe this memorial to these children.  The main museum had an exhibit of just shoes of some of the Holocaust victims.  I will say no more since you must see and hear with your own senses.

Images for the day Day9

Tomorrow promises to be a fun day but I expect none of us will be the same after today.


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