Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 6 - May 20, 2013 - Journey to Zion

Another super charged spiritually invigorating day.  As the joy increases so does the sleep deficit.  Sleep hours are minimal due to the anticipation of the next day as well as he effort to note and reflect on the previous day.  Although we traveled by bus today I was scared to nap for fear of missing something.  As soon as I would put my camera away Doran would share some significance of a passing landmark - and today was full of landmarks.

My spirit is about to bust with gladness.  It is easy to see why David often broke out in Psalms.

Today was very full - picture link below -
Day 6 photos

Jesus Boat - a 2000 year old fishing boat discovered in 1986.  The challenges of excavation with such a discovery were immense.  The boat contained over 10 types of wood indicating it was pieced together with whatever wood the builder can find.  Don't you know how they would be surprised to hear their rough floating vessel lasted 2000 years.

Tabgha - also known in the Greek as Heptapegon for seven springs.  It is believed to be the place where Jesus fed the 5000.  Unlike most other pictures of this event, there are only 4 loaves showing in the mosaic.  The 5th being Jesus who is the bread of life. 

Church of St Peter's Primacy -the place where the resurrected Lord appeared to the disciples and where Peter was appointed to the office of Primacy with the words - "Feed my sheep" John 21:1

We then began the trek to Jerusalem - as billions have done before us - but with many stops along the way.

The drive was a strong reminder of the struggles and friction that  coexists  in this Holy land. The Jewish communities were surrounded by barbed wire. The drive was through Palestinian territory.

The first stop was at a small secluded shop.  Hebron glass was the big draw - handcrafted in Hebron only. 

Lunch was at a restaurant near the Mt of Temptation - where Christ was tempted.  Also the place of Elisha springs , from Judges, where Elisha put salt in the water to make it usable.  Isn't it like our God to do the illogical to show how awesome and powerful He is.  Yet another of our Lord's  lessons on salt. Interesting that the Men's room was named "Man"  - Doran said it was because they do not know how to spell. :) 

We then went to Jericho - the oldest city of 10,000 years and the lowest city in all the world.  We saw a watchtower that predated the walls of Jericho.  And to think I thought Bathe was an old city. 

Kasar el Yahud  - where John the Baptist baptized Jesus.  Of most interest were  he doves that were present in this very out of the way place.  Very very ironic . Also interesting was one side of the Jordan had Israeli soldiers and the other side had Jordanian soldiers. 

Qumran  - Dead see scrolls - possibly the greatest find in all of history and it was only in 1947.  It added indisputable credibility to the Old Testament. 

St Georgia's Monastery - a very overwhelming but unscheduled stop.  A very winding road to an obscure place that could have easily been where David wrote Psalm 23. It was along he primitive road to Jericho and near the St George Monastery.  The pictures of this site simply do not do justice.   

Jerusalem - the Holy City - one can not help but to have an upswell of emotion as you view the entire inner city from afar.  A surge of different events and scriptures fill your spirit as you gaze at this grand city.  

A full day. Each day has surpassed the one before in splendor and glory of the magnificence of our Lord. 

Psalm 9:11 - Sing the praises of The Lord, enthroned in Zion, proclaim among the nations what He has done. 

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