Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 10 - Caving, digging and learning

2 Chronicles 32:30  This same Hezekiah also stopped the water outlet of Upper Gihon, and brought the water by tunnel to the west side of the City of David. Hezekiah prospered in all his works.

Our day started at the City of David and with a history lesson on that city came to be.  I had not realized that this city was the model for the walled Temple Mount - a lot of the weeks sites, paths, and inspirations were visible from this great city. David's palace has been recently unearthed which was very exciting to see and touch.  We had many sidebar discussions on stories related to David and his walk with God. Our day finished with a walk on the grounds of a very significant event in David's life - see below. 

The invigorating portion of the visit was a trek through the tunnels of Hezekiah.  These tunnels were used to supply water to the City of David.  They were also the same tunnels that David breached as he and his soldiers laid claim to this fortified wall.  Imagine entering an underground cave with a gushing stream that was above your knees....and marching 1700 feet.  And this cave was narrow enough for only 1 person and a 6' person needs to stoop several times lest they hit their noggin on the rock ceiling.  These tunnels are very dark without headlight flashlights.  

We exited the tunnel at the pool of Siloam, where Christ healed a blind man.  This was also the location for our group devotion. Fittingly, the lesson was on John 9 and when and how did the blind man gained sight. Probably after he was obedient and demonstrated his faith by going to the pool. It was not the magic spittle. 

Our next spot allowed us to be part of history by connecting some dots. We were part of a dig at Tel Maresha.  This town dates back to 200 BC. Several in our group found pottery, animal bones, and even an oil burning light. On the surface this sounds like a gold panning exercise at Tweetsie Railroad? However, this was real stuff.  We were 30' underground in a real underground house. Our host archeologist had discovered a draft marriage contract from this same site dating back to about 150 BC. This item is also on display at the Israeli museum.

The final stop of the day was at the valley of Elah - where David met Goliath. I gathered rounded stones just as David did.  This, yet another lesson on obedience and faith.

Today was physically demanding and on the heels of several spiritually exhausting days.

One more day, another full one and we depart this Holy land and begin our own journeys anew.

Photos from the day - a little less than prior days at Day 10


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