Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 2 - May 16, 2013 - Nof Ginosar

Good news, bad news and bad news first.  Sleep did not come easy for the 11 hour flight here.  Good news is there is probably no better way to adjust to a 7 hour increase  in time zones other than a good dose of sleep  deprivation.

We arrived at the David Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv and take our motor coach to our hotel at Nof Ginosar, on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.  We meet our guide, Doron Heiliger, for the first time. The hotel is a kubbutz (sp?) which means run by a commune.  They started as farming communes but have now branched out into other businesses.  And Doron is incredibly knowledgable and balanced on his understanding of this country and the history of our Savior.  Breathing in for the day....

I am struck by the distinctions in culture and community between Jews and Arabs.  This history and how they came to be is incredible.  Arab communities can be just beside Jewish communities.  The Arab communities have a towering landmark which is their worship center.

No brick or wooden houses - all block or concrete block.  The Arab homes tend to have more direct or indirect family members.  Almost all of he homes had a white or black large water barrel on the roof which is their source for hot water.

The geography is much hillier than I expected.  There is already a greater respect for distances.  Although the towns are somewhat close by - these are huge distances when walking.

Tomorrow is a big day with a start at the Mount of Olives.  The pics for today: Group ready to depart Tel Aviv airport, Example of housing architecture, Sea of Galilee, Our Hotel

Day 2 pictures Here

Mark 1:14-15 

14 After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. 15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

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