Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 5 - May 19, 2013 - Holy waters

What a great day! Kinda sappy all day - surely the presence of The Lord is in this place!

Started out at Bet Shean, also known as Greek Scythopolis, dating back to 4th millennium BC.  A huge city with 18 layers of civilization.  It had a theater and an amphitheater.  The Temple of Zeus topped the highest point.  Now, as you will see in the pictures, in that pace is a movie prop of the Judas tree from Jesus Christ Superstar.  They decided to leave it there.  They also had a public urinal. The wall was lined with marble stones sticking out, one for each bun.  People sat side by side and water ran just under where you sat.  Leaves assisted with the paperwork.  Probably best know as the place where the head of Saul was hung -1 Samual 31:10.  A tough hike up to where the trample was.

Springs of Gideon - next.  This was the exact location where Gideon chose his army by way his soldiers sipped water from the spring.  This was God's way of making sure Gideon's army relied on God more than themselves.  He narrowed the army down from 10,000 to 300 to fight the Midians - Judges 7.

Lunch at Tiberias - lunch was awesome at a place called the Deck.  The menu was Saint Peter's fish or fresh water Talopia.  Tiberis was a former cemetery and was thus unclean and a place for the Jews.  It was founded around 20 AD by Herod the Great's son Tiberias. If I heard correctly, the Rabbis ended up declaring the city clean and the Israelites began to flock there.  This was also the home of the Sanhedrin. We left there by boat.

Sea of Galilee - what a spiritual experience.  Singing praises to our Lord on the Sea of Galilee - even my singing presented a joyful noise.  The Sea of Galilee was more like a lake -  7 mile wide and 13.5 miles long.  Jesus spent 3 years of his ministry in this area and you can see every spot. Our boat driver was named Moses and led us in a Hebrew worship song. 

Jordan River - the final stop of the day. 17 of our 37 reaffirmed our baptism in these holy waters.  It was a very moving and spiritual experience. 

Matt 3:3 - A voice of one calling in the wilderness - prepare the way for The Lord - make straight paths for Him. 

Pictures Day 5

1 comment:

  1. The picture of your reaffirmation baptism was so moving. I cried when I saw it! I could feel the presence of God in your picture. What an awesome thing. Love you.
