Monday, May 13, 2013


Many thanks to my church family at Rosewood First Baptist Church.  They commissioned me with prayers, encouragement and an overwhelming bounty of supplies.  Our missions-minded church donated these supplies to the Bethlehem Bible College, a stop along our journey scheduled for Wednesday 05/22.  Almost all of the items on their "wish-list" were collected which amounted to 2 large suitcases weighing a total of over 100 pounds.

The most profound words spoken during this short commissioning service were spoken by Dr Cogdill.  He shared that our lives are full of "breathing in" and "breathing out" and mostly "breathing out".  He encouraged  me to "breathe in every day" - the glory and majesty of our Lord and this the land of His birth and His ministry.

THANK YOU Rosewood First Baptist Church for your graciousness, kindness, prayers and support.

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