Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cool hat

"The passion of worldly explorers is our purpose.

ExOfficio clothing is intelligently designed to provide surprisingly tangible benefits geared to the needs of an adventurous spirit.

We create garments with exclusive design, proprietary yarns and fabric technologies with one goal - comfortable performance.

When you wear ExOfficio, you can pack less, do more, and be prepared for any adventure."

Friday, April 26, 2013

Shoes and signs

Time is fast approaching and time to start strategic packing. My lovely daughter recommended a light weight versatile pair of sandals that she wore on her mission trip to Africa.  I understand that the shore of the Sea of Galilee is very rocky and sandals or water shoes will be needed for the swim.  Makes you wonder how they made the sign of the fish in the sand :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Needs at Bethlehem Bible College

One stop in this journey will be to Bethlehem Bible College, a Christian College with locations of Bethlehem, Galilee, and Gaza.  They are in desperate need of supplies such as crafts and books for children; aspirin, vitamins and first aid supplies; office supplies and guest house supplies. I have shared the needs with my church family and hope to bring a suit case full of supplies to this college and their ministry. Please pray that this need is supplied in abundance.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The decision and planning

Many thanks to Dr Mike Cogdill, Professor at Campbell University Divinity School and our Interim Pastor at Rosewood First Baptist Church. During a Deacon Retreat on January 5th at Campbell University, and after touring Butler Chapel (below) we had a random conversation regarding the Holy Land.  It seems that the Divinity School was planning an 11 day trip in May 2013.  Dr Cogdill encouraged me to sign up and I did.  It was that simple. Excitement and anticipation immediately began to build.

Orientation was April 16th.  Lots to think about and to plan.  From what to pack, how to pack, and what is to go on my head and my feet. Since we are going through the Divinity School, many students are also going.  They have the honor of planning for and sharing a daily message or devotional - and at each of these incredible sacred spots.  Can you imaging being a young student of the Bible and having the opportunity to share God's word with a small congregation the Sea of Galilee or the Mount of Olives.  How AWESOME is that!?

I have been pondering and researching how to keep this blog current during the journey.  My goal will be to bring the scriptures alive through pictures and verses on a daily basis.  This will hopefully help to capture every nugget of inspiration and blessing and will be the easiest for a dated and failing memory.  :) Fortunately I found a cable that will help the download of pictures from my Canon PowerShot SX30 to my I-Pad.  This will minimize the equipment needed, and backpack weight, through the trip.

Your prayers are coveted during this time of spiritual and logistical preparation.